pá 31.5.202421:00


Theater play
View gallery

On the one hand, life and death are complete opposites, but at the same time there is a very fine line, a veil, between them.
The virtuosity of Australia's best acrobats is combined with the majesty of Fauré's Requiem in this new premiere chamber circus work. The combination of these two genres manages to bring us closer to the human dimension of this phenomenon in a hitherto unknown way.

The backbone of the show is the almost two and a half century old Requiem by Gabriel Fauré, whose solo singing part will be performed live. Unlike most requiems, which focus on mourning, Fauré's Mass for the Dead invites us all to see death in a different light - the light of eternal rest and consolation. By connecting this genius music and the highest possible acrobatic production, an imaginary space is created, giving us a new perspective on death, life and the spaces between them.

This chamber circus production is the result of a collaboration between UFFO and the South Australian Circus Center (SACC) and brings several things together. Magnificence and intimacy, classical music with a new circus and the strongest aspects of Australian and Czech (by extension, European) art.

Direction and scenography: Joshua Hoare
Assistant Director: Meredith Kitchen
Produced by Taylor Dawson
Producer: Nick Skibinski, Libor Kasík
Cast: Amanda Lee, Lisa Goldsworthy, Jesse Scott, Lachlan McAuley

Friday 31 May from 9:00 p.m., Saturday 1 June from 9:00 p.m. ** UFFO ** entrance fee 490 CZK ** advance ticket sales from 15 April